Incredible Footage Shows Baby Moving In The Womb And Waving

In the past, we had very little knowledge about what happens in the womb when a baby is growing inside of it. The mom experiencing these magical nine months could only tell us what she was feeling, but seeing the baby had been difficult  until recently.

Though I'm sure there are still many things to discover about pregnancy, 4D imaging has allowed us to sneak a peek into the life of a baby still inside his or her mother, and some babies put on quite the show!

Thank this little guy, for example. His range of movement is simply incredible. While me may not have much space inside Mom, he's sure making the most of it by tumbling around! He shows a surprising range of what some believe to be emotions: he puts his arms up as if in fear, and covers his face. He shakes his head and yawns. And he even squirms. And his most surprising  and distinctive  move? A short hand wave to Mom and Dad!

But he's not the only baby to pull such moves; in fact, there have been many more before him! Check out this baby who gave his parents a thumbs-up, and this baby who even hit himself in front of his parents (but didn't hurt himself).

We're guessing this little one will be just as expressive when he's older.

If this sonogram footage completely blew your mind, please SHARE!