Bad Bed Habits: 11 Things You Should Stop Doing While Under The Covers

If you're like me, you find it difficult to leave your cozy bed every morning when your alarm goes off. Even if you're a morning person, you can't deny that staying under the covers for even just a few more minutes can be pretty darn tempting.

The bed is the comfiest place in our homes, so it makes sense that we'd want to spend as much time stretched out and relaxing on the mattress as possible. Of course, that can also lead to some bad habits when it comes to keeping germs at bay and maintaining a healthy sleep cycle.

For instance, tons of people swear by falling asleep to the sound of their TV or by listening to the radio. However, they could actually find a more sound night's slumber by unplugging those devices at the end of the day.

I know I'm guilty of way too many of the examples listed below, but I'm definitely going to try to nix them from now on.

Did we miss any mistakes people commonly make while under the covers? Let us know in the comments, and be sure to SHARE with your friends!

[H/T: Good Housekeeping, Metro UK]

Thumbnail sources: Reddit 1, 2

1. Wearing Pajamas

Flickr / jamelah

Going au naturel at night isn't just more comfortable, it can surprisingly also help you burn a few more calories as you rest. Additionally, it can make you feel way less stressed and more refreshed when you hear your alarm start to buzz in the morning.

2. Forgetting A Fresh Pillowcase

Flickr / Tom Small

If you have skin problems like acne, your pillowcase is probably not helping matters. It's so easy to go weeks (or even months) without switching those and your other sheets out. It's important to clean these frequently, though, as the buildup of skin cells, oil, and other nasty bacteria could be the root of many of your cosmetic issues.

3. Sleeping With Makeup

Flickr / Maria Morri

This is something I have to admit I do all the time. It's just so easy to relax for a few moments in bed. Then suddenly, you're out for the night without removing your cosmetics, leaving behind nasty stains and germs on your sheets.

Keeping some makeup-remover wipes on your bedside table can help curb this all too common habit.

4. Kicking Out Your Pet

Flickr / Mackenzie Kosut

There are studies that prove having your favorite four-legged friend snuggled up with you helps put you more at ease and able to fall into slumber.

Obviously, it's up to each owner how they feel about letting their fluffy pal take up some space on the bed, but it's good to be informed on both sides of this particular question.

5. Letting The Kids Crawl In

Flickr / Amanda Truss

I know it's hard to say no to your little kiddos' sweet faces when they make their way in between your sheets in the wee hours of the night. But considering their age and level of potty training, you are definitely in store for a ton of germs, possible bed wetting, or diaper surprises making their way onto your side of the bed.

6. Cuddling With A Sick Spouse

Flickr / Jimee, Jackie, Tom & Asha

You might want to be there to take care of them or simply want to stay in your own bed, but you're running a huge risk of catching the very same germs and perpetuating illness in the home when you crawl under the covers with your partner who's suffering from a cold.

7. Finishing A Fight In Your Mind

Flickr / Craig Loftus

I know I come up with my best rebuttals to arguments I had during the day at the worst time: when I'm trying to fall asleep and my mind is running in circles with everything I should have said.

It's better to just let those thoughts rest. Chances are, you'll wake up realizing how silly the tension was to begin with, or you'll have a clearer mind on how to get your point across.

8. Working On A Project

Flickr / Mike Burns

I can't lie, I have done this on too many occasions to count, but I can also genuinely see a difference when I set a timer for myself to put all of my work aside before settling in under the covers. I also try not to use my computer in bed at all and make sure my brain only sees it as a place for sleeping.

When working late into the night while in bed, you're not only overexerting your brain when it needs to rest, you're also most likely not performing well enough to complete those tasks. Due to this, you might end up having to do them all over again.

9. Sitting Your Purse Next To You

Flickr / jessie essex

Or backpack, suitcase, or anything other than a pillow or blanket, really.

Walking around with those items all throughout your day can cause them to collect an amount of germs that make your toilet seat seem like the most sanitary place in your home.

10. Hitting Snooze On The Alarm

Flickr / grace_kat

Believe me, there is pretty much no one more reluctant to wake up than yours truly, but what are you really gaining by giving yourself those minuscule increments of extra slumber?

The answer: only extra frustration when you finally force yourself out from under the covers.

11. Eating Under The Covers

Flickr / Iryna Yeroshko

I've had my fair share of midnight snacks in bed only to wake up to crumbs and morsels stuck in places where, well, they really should not be.

Not only that, but your sheets will absorb all those germs and potentially attract pests like bugs or mice. Trust me, you really don't want them to take residence with you while you sleep!

Did we miss anything folks make the mistake of doing under the covers? Let us know below, and be sure to SHARE with your friends!

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