Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban are a Hollywood couple you can really root for. They're open about how happy and in love they are. The two routinely appear at each other's events in support of one another's work. After over a decade of marriage and two beautiful little girls, Nicole opened up to People about when she realized Keith was the one for her.
The two Australian natives first met at an event in Los Angeles in 2005. Keith knew he wanted to talk to Nicole and compare their experiences as Aussies in Hollywood. He fumbled through his first attempt at talking to her, however. Eventually, they got it right and got to talking. They were only about six months into their relationship when Keith made a bold move that won Nicole's heart and made her realize he was the one she wanted to spend her life with.
Against all odds and in spite of a pretty vicious rumor mill, Keith and Nicole are stronger and happier than ever before.
Nicole Kidman is a powerhouse among actresses. At 51 years old, her career continues to unfold with an incredible body of work that only keeps growing.
Nicole's career isn't the only area of her life where she's thriving. She and husband Keith Urban have been married for 12 years.

Nicole and Keith share two gorgeous daughters. Sunday Rose is 10, and Faith Margaret is 8.

Keith and Nicole first met in 2005. Both were in attendance at a G'Day USA gala in LA, honoring Australians in Los Angeles.

Keith knew he wanted to get to know Nicole, but he struggled through his first attempt to talk to her. He walked away and composed himself before trying again. The second attempt went much better, and the couple clicked.

Despite the fact that they didn't get married until June 2006, Nicole knew pretty early on that Keith was the man she wanted to share her life with. She shared the story in a recent interview with People magazine.

For Nicole's 38th birthday, Keith made a bold gesture to celebrate her special day.
"It was my [38th] birthday, and he stood outside with gardenias at 5 a.m. on my stoop in New York," Nicole recalled.
That simple but unexpected gesture won Nicole's heart.
"That is when I went, ‘This is the man I hope I get to marry,'" she revealed.

Keith whisked her away from the city to Woodstock on a motorbike. "My kind of guy!" Nicole said fondly.

While it seems like the kind of cliché moment that every person in love claims to have had, Nicole insists it's the real deal.
"It was pretty intense. I believed by that point he was the love of my life," she said.
Nicole understands how giving in to love can make some people nervous, but it's simply not her style.
"Maybe that’s because I am deeply romantic, or I’m an actress, or I have strong faith as well, but I just believed, ‘Oh, okay, here he is,'" she admitted.

Nicole has mentioned before that she wished she met Keith earlier in her life, but he insists it all happened the way it did for good reason.
"I wish I could have met him much earlier and had way more children with him, but I didn't," Nicole told Vogue in 2015. "I mean, if I could have had two more children with him that would have been just glorious, but as Keith says, 'The wanting mind, Nicole. Shut it down.'"

Today, Nicole and Keith live in Nashville with their girls. Despite being two big stars in their own right, they love living the quiet life.

If you ask Nicole what the key is to the happiness they share, her answer is simple.
"Just love," she told People in 2016. "Just love each other, lavish each other with love."
Now that's a pretty great relationship and life philosophy!