Dad Training To Be 911 Dispatcher Answers Emergency Call From His Horrified Wife

Chris Scott was still in training to be a 911 dispatcher when he received the most unthinkable call of his career. It was his wife, Janna Scott. She was panicked, and you didn't have to see her to know that the young mother was crying. Their son Jacob was choking and not breathing.

What followed was incredible, and you'll be able to hear all of it in the chilling 911 call below.

Chris, an Iraq war veteran, put his Marine training to the test. Although terrified himself, he remained completely calm over the phone as he talked his wife through the steps of saving their son's life.

"My heart was pounding," Chris told the Associated Press. "My hands were a little bit shaky."

The father referred to instructions on how to save a choking baby and dictated them to Janna over the phone. He sent an ambulance to their home. Janna patted Jacob on the back, and soon enough, the baby coughed up the piece of plastic he had ingested.

Chris and Janna did such a good job that when the emergency responders arrived, they didn't have to take the baby to the hospital. Chris' training officer, Tammy Clark, was impressed with the trainee's skills.

"I said, 'Chris, you just did an amazing job; you just saved that kid's life,"' Clark said. "And he looked at me a little rattled and said, 'That was my baby."'

Clark couldn't believe it and gave the hero dad the rest of the day off.

"Nobody could have done a better job than him," Clark said, praising all the Marines out there.

Please SHARE if you hope that in a situation like this, you could handle it as cooly as Chris did!