Pig Is Incredibly Excited To See A Pile Of Leaves

Little Willow is a baby pig who has not experienced the many joys of autumn weather.

She has yet to experience the beautiful orange glow of the countless leaves on the ground, the amazing scents that waft through the air all season long, and most importantly, the loud "crunch" noises that come when you run through a whole pile of leaves!

As the air gets crisper and crisper with each passing day, little Willow seems only to be excited for one adorable thing: leaves! She doesn't care abut Thanksgiving, NFL football games, or the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, she only wants to play outside!

There's just something about them that drives her wild with excitement; whether it be the crunching noise, the amazing smell, or a combination of the two, one thing is certain: she loves it!

While the video is short, make sure to keep your eyes on her little tail, this tiny pig is acting just like a dog! While this video is adorably perfect in every single way, remember that fall leaves mean one simple thing: winter is on the way!

And with winter comes snow, yet another weather pattern that Willow has yet to witness in her life so far! We'll make sure to keep an eye out for her in her next adventure, when she finally gets to build a snowpig!

Please SHARE this cute video if you think pigs are just too adorable!