In the market for a new plant? Of course you are. Plants not only help liven up a room, but they're extremely beneficial to your health and well-being. As you know, they provide a nice dose of fresh oxygen. But there are some plants that purify your air and make you feel better on a day-to-day basis.
According to Prevention.com, indoor plants can also boost your mental health. They can help you breathe better, focus more, and make any living space more inviting. It's almost like a pet that doesn't need vet visits. It's a live object that just asks for a little sunlight and an occasional watering in return.
But back to the air purification claims. Right now, plenty of us aren't leaving the house much. And when we do go outside, we aren't able to experience the outdoors the way we usually do. There aren't many places to drive to that are actually open, and we need to keep a healthy distance from other humans. Adding plants to help the air in your apartment or home is just a smart idea.
Here are 10 of the best plants that purify your air. And feel free to stock up if you can. The right plants can make a big difference to both your health and your home decor.
1. Peace Lily

Peace lilies are said to purify your air by as much as 60%, which means that these are a great choice if you're concerned about keeping things fresh. They're also reportedly great to have in your bathroom since they help control mildew. It's very important to make sure you find the correct type of lily. Some lilies contain a good amount of pollen, which may be hard for those with allergies.
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Having plants in your bathroom is actually a great idea that doesn't get utilized all that much. If you have a window that lets light in, maybe adding a peace lily to the mix will make your morning showers even more enjoyable.
2. Aloe Vera Plant

If you're not big on watering, consider adding aloe vera plants to your home. They're one of the most medicinal plants you can find. Their gel helps to heal skin issues and also makes your hands quite soft. And as it turns out, they're awesome with purifying your air.
When tested, aloe vera was great at eliminating volatile organic compounds, or VOCs, from the air. These chemicals can be released from cleaning supplies and even furniture. Home Detoxing states that aloe vera, in particular, helped the most with removing benzene and formaldehyde from the air. They don't cost much money and they require little care, so they're worth investing in.
3. Pothos

You've probably heard a lot about pothos before. They're usually seen as one of the easiest plants you can grow at home, and it's a great type for beginners. They can reportedly help clear the air of formaldehyde, benzene, and carbon monoxide, meaning that they're really great to keep around.
Some also believe that pothos can help relieve eye irritation due to its air filtering qualities. You can also gaze at a pothos plant to relieve eye strain from hours staring at a screen. So if you're working from home right now, there's another reason to make a pothos your new in-house "coworker."
4. Rosemary

You may be tempted to start growing some of your own herbs and vegetables if stores aren't carrying what you need. Adding a rosemary plant to the house is actually a healthy idea. It smells nice, looks nice, and also purifies your air.
Sunday Gardener believes that most plants that contain needle-like leaves are great for air purification. So even though you may want to get your start with rosemary, consider others that look similar if you want to really purify your home.
5. Spider Plant

Out of all the plants out there, spider plants are some of my favorite. They remind me of elementary school classrooms; they could always manage to survive and stay strong in classrooms that didn't have the best amount of sunlight.
They're also great workers. A study showed that spider plants removed about 90% of the formaldehyde from the air, showing that this plant is almost a household essential.
6. Pineapple Plant

Not only will pineapple plants help purify your air, but they'll also help redecorate your living space.
Supposedly, pineapple plants have also been linked to helping people stop snoring. It's because they produce oxygen and also help the air in the room, which is great for people who may be having some difficulties at night. This particular type of plant also gives you one pineapple approximately every two years, so you can't lose.
7. Snake Plant

The twisted leaves of a snake plant actually help absorb toxins in the air. They also release a bunch of oxygen into the air, which is good for anyone who may need an indoor boost.
"Persons with allergies, therefore, should find a friend in such plants because they are a natural and cheap way to stay healthy," says Rolling Nature. "Further, public spaces and workplaces, especially, should be aware of the value of air-purifying plants for these reasons."
8. Chrysanthemums

You may know them best as "mums." They're a great year-round plant, and they're quite versatile. But they're also great at keeping your air clean, especially if you have a lot of them in one area.
Keep in mind, they won't work miracles. But some mums are better than nothing. They're also really easy to take care of, so they'd be a great addition to any home.
9. Lady Palm

Are you looking for just one plant that'll add a ton of life (and clean air) to your home? Then take a look at the lady palm. It got a NASA purifying score of 8.5, which isn't bad at all.
They're also very easy to grow, so no need to worry if you've got somewhat of a bad history with plants. They do well in the shade and can grow up to 14 feet.
10. Philodendron

Finally, there's the philodendron. They're great at removing formaldehyde from the air, and they can also block EMF radio waves in the air if you're living in a small space.
Speaking of small spaces, these plants can also thrive in a corner or sill that doesn't get too much sun. Just as long as they get a little bit of exposure, they should be able to stay strong. If anything, it may make them grow a little slower than they would with more sunlight.
The one thing to remember before you buy a bunch? They're toxic to children and animals, so you'll want to make sure this plant lives in a place where only adults have access.