I think it's safe to say everyone knows laughter is the best medicine. And if it comes from a child, it's even better than medicine. It's a cure for any bad day!
I think that children's laughs are so much better because there is absolutely nothing tainting them! Kids are perfectly blissful and honest whenever they let out a giggle or have a smile on their face
Plus, they're a whole lot cuter than any grown up anyway! Right?
When this adorable little girl gets on top of a pony, she has no idea what she's in for. But you can immediately tell how excited she is.
As soon as the horse starts trotting along, though, she loses it! She is so hysterical she can't stop her laughter as she bounces up and down on the pony!
She's so easily amused by this unfamiliar movement, but it could be the overwhelming excitement of experiencing something so new that has her laughing too!
Which do you think it is that's making her so giddy?
Thankfully, her mom or dad got it all on tape. Her adorable baby laughter is exactly what lies below in the video.
I hope it brightens your day the same way it brightened mine!
Please SHARE this adorable laughing little girl with all your loved ones on Facebook today!