At first, the camera is shaky — though it’s unclear whether that’s from apprehension or excitement. We’re then treated to a view of a lovely family get-together in celebration of Grandma’s birthday, who just turned 80 years old. Everyone is all smiles as she opens her gift, and there’s nary a suspicion that something else might actually be going on.
It turns out to be a "shadow box," and you can skip to that reveal at around the 1:00 mark. Both Grandma and Grandpa smile a little bit once they see three rival sports team onesies carefully placed inside, but it isn't until they notice the ultrasound picture at the bottom that everything clicks.
And for a long time, the couple didn’t even think they’d ever be able to have children.
"My husband and I had been trying for two years to conceive and were told by our fertility doctor that our chances of success were very low," says Ms. Kahley, who posted the video. Not long after, they discovered that not only were they having a baby, they were due to have three! She goes on to say that, "After a positive pregnancy test, we were considered miracles at the clinic! We are so excited!"
Some families get a little competitive with their pregnancy announcements, like the one that had a long-standing bet about the gender of each baby. Then, there are the couples who get super creative, like the ones who sent their family on a scavenger hunt.
If you’re curious about how the triplets are doing now, you can check out their YouTube page.
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