Man Transforms Caves Into Beautiful Underground Sculptures

Prepare to be blown away by one man who has carved cathedral-like temples out of naturally gorgeous caves. The tiny openings that lead into these caves pale in comparison to the caverns he has dug inside.

For the past 25 years, and with over 900 hours under his belt, Ra Paulette has been carving man-made caves out from the sandstone hills of New Mexico, then sculpting these gigantic spaces into works of art he calls "wilderness shrines." Using only hand tools, Paulette turns the caverns into beautiful underground sculptures with designs and carvings that honor the San Jose desert. Some caves are even complete with power, wood flooring and running water. However, he's not in it for the money — in fact, Paulette often leaves his finished caves completely, only to be discovered by other travelers. Can you imagine coming upon one of his creations?!

These resulting spaces are massive, poetic and breath-taking. "I see this as an environmental project," he says. "I'm trying to open up people's minds." Shockingly, Paulette is not an engineer, architect or even a trained artist — just a man who says he's found his passion.

I've never seen anything like this before. Have you? Let us know what you think of Ru Paulette's masterpieces, and please SHARE this video with your friends on Facebook!