We're not sure where this video comes from, or who owns this little guy, but one thing is for certain: He's amazing!
While it's illegal in some states to keep a raccoon for a pet, there are other places where it's perfectly fine. It all depends on the laws in your area, and if there are any vets around who will treat such an "exotic" pet. Many raccoons raised as pets are done so because they're found orphaned as babies, but if a raccoon is well cared for, they can live 10 – 15 years, making them the same kind of responsibility as a dog or a cat.
And every wanna-be raccoon owner should know, once you adopt one, they really can't go back to being wild (unless you only "kind of" adopt them, like this family did with a little wild thing they call Cinnamon).
Known as the sneaky thieves of the wild, raccoons are incredibly smart, and can be taught an abundance of tricks. That's where this amazing video comes in! Even though this little guy isn't doing anything out and out impressive, he is eating with impeccable table manners, which is something that even my children never seemed to master! One by one, he eats his grapes, holding them carefully and staying seated until the entire thing is done. I hadn't even considered raccoons to be cute before, but this video has just changed my mind!
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