Her Toddler Nearly Destroyed An 1825 Family Heirloom. But What She Found Inside? Whoa…

When the woman in this video came home from a hard day of work, her stomach dropped when she saw broken glass all over the floor.

It turned out her toddler had been playing a game of golf, and with one of his swings he sent the ball zooming towards her 189-year-old family heirloom. When she saw the shattered mess, she never expected to make an incredible discovery.

The family story had been passed down generation to generation: the sampler had been made by her great-great-great-grandfather's sister. Beautifully stitched, this priceless artifact from the early days of America had been in the family for nearly 200 years. But now, she feared she had shirked her duty as protector of this bridge to the past. It had survived the Civil War, made it through the Great Depression, the '60s, only to be ruined by a golf ball.

But as she began to clean up the glass, she noticed something hidden behind the New Jersey Sampler. Something that had remained untouched for all of those 189 years, something that would make all the verbal histories even more dynamic and alive than she ever thought possible.

What kind of family heirlooms do you have in your home? What's the oldest antique you've got? Let us know in the comments! (Don't you just love Antiques Roadshow?)

And please SHARE this incredible discovery with your friends and family!