Dad Leaves His Daughter This Perfect Video After Discovering A Bottle Of Whiskey In Her Room

As summer winds to a close, many of us are taking advantage of the lingering warm weather by visiting coastal towns before fall well and truly rolls in. Elainey, a young woman from Texas, was doing just that when she came home to discover her dad had left her a video recording while she was away with friends.

"Hey, when you get home, I'd like to talk to you about this," he says, slowly revealing a brightly colored Fireball Whiskey bottle. Uh oh. Talk about awkward!

Still, for a father who discovered alcohol hidden in his daughter’s room, he’s surprisingly calm about the whole thing. Almost too calm. "I don't know if this is something that fell out of a sock," he goes on to say, adding that, "we heard a news report about people breaking into houses and hiding whiskey bottles."

Oh, those classic dad jokes!

In all seriousness, this always seemed like a great way to approaching parenting — at least, to me. Some of these touch-in-cheek videos are very convincing, like the dad who pretended not to remember his son’s birthday. Others are just purely adorable, like the dad who swung his daughter into his arms and proceeded to cut a rug with her.

There’s really nothing quite like a loving father video, and this one was no exception — even if his daughter did, very likely, get grounded directly after returning home. Them’s the breaks!

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