Sex is one of those topics that lots of us get shy about. That's totally understandable, as sex can be weird and embarrassing to discuss.
Still, we're all grown-ups here, and it's about time we get honest about a very important topic: healthy sex positions that stay good as we age.
After all, when you're young and spry, there are no limits to what you can try out in bed. However, as you get older, your body starts lodging complaints. Your hips ache, your back is creaky, and you start having hot flashes that, while steamy in some senses of the word, are definitely not sexy.
It turns into a kind of sexual Jenga, where you're constantly having to balance your own body against your partner's in order to get it on!
With enough pain and discouragement, it can be enough to make people give up on sex all together.
But we're here to tell you not to lose hope. There are sex positions for everyone, no matter what may be going on with your joints or hip flexors!
Photo Credit: Pixabay
#1: From Behind

In this position, the receiving partner gets on hands and knees on a comfy surface, while the giving partner kneels straight up behind.
This position is great for deep penetration that stimulates the G-spot, and it also makes it easier to reach around and add manual stimulation.
This position is especially great for women who have recently had a hysterectomy and are easing back into sex after being cleared by a doctor.
After a hysterectomy surgery, more traditional positions might cause friction against tender spots, but this position is easy on the abdomen.
#2: Side By Side

Side-by-side sex is a great way to enjoy an intimate, mellow sexual encounter.
In this position, both partners face one another and cradle the other's body, while the receiving partner wraps a leg around the giving partner's hip.
This allows for deep penetration and a feeling of closeness and warmth. It also creates friction against the clitoris, enhancing pleasure.
This position is really great if one partner has knee pain. In this position, neither partner has to take on the task of climbing on top and putting weight on his or her knees.
Just make sure to arrange yourselves so that the sore knee is not underneath you, and prop it up on your partner's body or on a spare pillow.
#3: Reverse Cowgirl

Reverse cowgirl seems like a really daring and tricky position, but it can actually be great for older couples.
The position is outrageous enough to add a little zip to your routine, and enhances sex by creating intense friction.
Despite all the "naughtiness," it's still very gentle on sore areas of the body. For instance, if both partners in the relationship suffer from back pain, this may be a good option.
In this position, the giving partner lies flat without moving much. The receiving partner straddles from the top and faces away.
The partner lying down hardly has to move at all, and the partner on top can just slide gently up and down. Avoid bending over, which can be tough for lower back pain.
#4: Downward Facing

This position is ideal for people who have flexion back pain, or back pain that flares up while bending forward.
It might seem counterintuitive, but in this position, the giving partner actually doesn't bend his back. Instead, the giver holds steady on all fours and just moves his hips.
Meanwhile, the receiving partner leans down on her elbows, often with her forehead to the mattress, and tilts her hips up.
This way, she doesn't strain her neck and places most of her weight on her arms and upper chest, rather than on her knees.
This may also be a good setup for men who have had prostate difficulty and have softer erections, because it creates a deeper and tighter sensation of penetration.
#5: Sit And Straddle

A seated position is a comfortable (but still exciting!) option for lots of couples.
For this position, the giving partner stays seated in a chair, and the receiving partner straddles their lap.
This position is great for stimulating sweet spots, and has the added advantage of letting you kiss your partner throughout sex.
It's also a great setup for foreplay, particularly if one partner has bad hips or has recently had hip-replacement surgery.
In fact, this position is among the best for both men and women who have hip trouble, because it requires very little movement or extension of the legs for either partner.
#6: Standing From Behind

Sex standing up is a saucy way to spice up your intimate life and protect your joints all at once!
For this position, the receiving partner leans forward with hands, elbows, or chest against a firm surface, the giving partner penetrates from behind.
Note: this works best for couples of roughly equal height.
It's great because it provides easy access for manual stimulation, while also taking the pressure off your shoulders, elbows, and hands.
If one or both partners suffers from arthritis, particularly in the hands and wrists, this is a great way to avoid putting too much weight or pressure on swollen joints.
#7: Cowgirl

For this position, the giving partner lies flat on the bed, and the receiving partner straddles the hips.
This position is exciting for both partners, because it provides an awesome opportunity to appreciate one another visually, and because it creates a tight sensation that's pleasurable for everyone.
It's particularly great for women who are going through menopause, because it helps intensify some of the sensations of sex.
After menopause, the lack of estrogen can make it hard to self-lubricate and feel aroused. With a bit of added lubricant, this position helps apply pressure to both the G-spot and the clitoris.
As an added bonus, it's easy on your partner's back!
#8: Spooning

Spooning is an excellent, low-energy position that's perfect for folks who can't be too vigorous in their sexcapades.
In this position, the giving partner and receiving partner nestle together like spoons, and the giving partner penetrates from behind.
It might take a bit of angling and lubrication to make this position work, but it's well worth the trouble.
People with heart trouble or high blood pressure might especially enjoy this low-impact position that allows both partners to enjoy the intimacy of sex without overtaxing their muscles.
Sex in your later years can be a little bit more complicated, but it doesn't have to be any less fun!
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