12 Of The Silliest Reasons Folks Had To Be Rushed To The ER

We all make silly mistakes now and again. Sometimes they are harmless, and we get to laugh them off once we realize how ridiculous we are being.

Other times, though, the little mistakes we make end up with us in the hospital, trying to explain to doctors and nurses how we got into such a sticky situation.

Even if the story is embarrassing, though, we should never feel like it's too humiliating to get ourselves checked out! Trust me, emergency-room nurses and doctors have seen it all. It's their job to make sure we're all OK even when we aren't being the smartest people on the planet.

Have you ever had to go to the doctor for something silly? At least you know that your nurses will be able to laugh it off with you when all is said and done!

These 12 stories might make you feel better about your own little mishaps, because they're all pretty darn ridiculous, too.

Please SHARE these funny stories with your family and friends on Facebook and see if they have any of their own stories to tell!

[H/T: Reddit]

Thumbnail source: Flickr


Flickr / Daniel R. Blume

"I popped a vitamin into my mouth and inhaled it by accident. It got lodged in my windpipe. Went to the ER coughing and continued to cough for nearly 10 hours. They gave me Advair. I whistled every time I exhaled for 2 weeks. It was like a bad sitcom." – cheerio_knickers


Flickr / Maya83

"Had an eraser in my nose. It was one of those found on the end of a mechanical pencil (cylindrical). On one end I wrote 'Hi!' with a pen, also happens to be the end that was facing outwards. So when my doctor shined a light to see, it was pretty amusing to him." – SangSec


Flickr / Shane Becker

"When I was ten I poked someone at school so hard I broke my finger." – Crow_eggs


Flickr / Sarnil Prasad

"Got 2 magnets stuck in my nose, they connected up in my nose and when I tried to get them out they got stuck even higher up my nose. Doctor said he has never seen anything like that before" – oblivious_upvote


Flickr / Ted Sakshaug

"Twister. I made a daring move and [hurt my pinky toe]. Multiple compound fractures and a dislocation was the technical description. I had to get it wired back on. Then I got an infection. Spent almost a month in hospital all up. Haven't played Twister since." – NipponNiGajin


Wikimedia Commons

"Went to the ER with terrible stomach pain. It was really bad. They did some tests gave me some liquid to numb my stomach. And then gave me gas medicine. Some time later I started farting like crazy and felt a lot better. I went to the ER because I had gas. I felt pretty pathetic." – cadomski


Wikimedia Commons

"I climbed up a radio mast and got stuck. It was in the countryside so it took ages for someone to find me.

"I was up there for a few hours in the sun and had to go to hospital with dehydration and burns when I finally got taken down." – zenova360


Flickr / Aidan Jones

"I have an uncle who BROKE A RIB with a sneeze." – PastorPuff


Wikimedia Commons

"Had just finished my final exam of my first year of university. Got home. VERY EXCITED. Kicked my shoes off and did a little dance. I had inadvertently curled the toes on my left foot and landed on them pretty hard toes first.

"My housemate came home saw the bag of peas on my foot and asked what happened. I showed him: 'We need to get you to a hospital NOW'

"Had to have surgery and didn't take a single step for two and a half months." – LizardPosse


Wikimedia Commons

"I got a roll of toilet paper stuck on my finger. I worked in a fast food restaurant when I was a teenager and one night before cleaning the restrooms I grabbed a couple of very large rolls of TP. My hands were full of cleaning products, and since the toilet paper rolls had plastic rings in the middle I stuck one roll on a finger to carry it easier.

"Well, my finger swelled and I couldn't slip the roll off. We tried grease, soap, even butter to get it slippery enough to slide off. By this time my finger had turned dark from the lack of blood flow, so my boss took me to the emergency room to get it cut off.

"It was my walk of shame through the ER with that giant roll of toilet paper stuck on my finger."  – 5stickyfingers


Flickr / klndonnelly

"Was going around a party doing trust falls to be funny. Went up to the biggest guy at the party, yelled 'TRUST FALL,' I fall backwards and he moves out of the way.

"Needed 9 staples in my head." – Murphenstien


flickr / jurek d.

"Had to get a concussion checked out that I'd given to myself because I got distracted by a painting while walking and strode headlong into a pole." – COTAnerd

Have you ever had to go to the ER for a silly reason like this? Please SHARE with family and friends on Facebook!

These stories are based on posts found on Reddit. Reddit is a user-generated social news aggregation, web content rating, and discussion website where registered members submit content to the site and can up- or down-vote the content. The accuracy and authenticity of each story cannot be confirmed by our staff.