Being an older sibling with much-younger siblings, you will always feel overprotective of them. It’s a sibling instinct to always be there for them no matter what. Chloe, a woman from Tennessee, proves that a sibling bond is like no other.
Kelly Clarkson welcomed Chloe as a guest on her show after Chloe's TikTok about her 8-year-old sister, Charlotte, went viral. In her TikTok, Chloe explained the importance of elementary classmates RSVPing when they get a birthday invitation to a party.
In her video, she said, “If a kid in your child’s class gives out birthday invitations, just come.” Chloe then explained that only one child RSVPed to her sister's party, and their mother had died of brain cancer just 83 days before this.
With tears in her eyes, Chloe pointed out that it should not be her doing this; her mom should be there with them. Her heartbreaking story caught Kelly Clarkson's eye, and the superstar invited Chloe onto her show.
Talking to Kelly Clarkson, Chloe shared her and her mother's story and how her mother got pregnant with Charlotte when Chloe was 20. With such an age gap, Chloe didn’t know how to feel about it but instantly fell in love with her little sister.
When her mother died, she got custody of her sister Charlotte, and in turn, Charlotte had to switch schools, losing a lot of her close friends. Chloe made sure to send out a good number of invites to ensure some of her classmates showed up. Unfortunately, Chloe was not expecting only one person to RSVP.
After Chloe’s video went viral, she woke up the next morning with the best surprise she could ever imagine. She received dozens of responses from people near and far wanting to help her.
Other moms contacted Chloe, asking to bring their kids and wanting to help her decorate, another woman brought her horse for the kids to have pony rides, and to top it all off Charlotte got a Jeep parade. A bunch of people with Jeeps pulled through singing "Happy Birthday" and handing her presents.
Kelly Clarkson then brought out birthday girl Charlotte and surprised Chloe and Charlotte with a family vacation. This is a prime example that kindness goes a long way.
To see Charlotte’s amazing birthday surprise, click on the video!