Losing a child is painful enough as a parent. But then imagine having ever picture and memento of your child stolen.
That’s exactly what happened to parents Stew and Rita Skomra on November 8, 2013.
They had lost their son a few months before, and his passing was still fresh.
The couple were traveling with a UHaul as they were moving to Chicago. The Skomra’s parked their trailer at a hotel in Omaha for the night where it was broken into and all of their son’s belongings and photos were taken.
“We lost his death certificate, we lost his letter jacket,”Stew said. “We lost the 25 years of home family videos.”
Rita said having her son’s things like baby albums and birth and death certificates felt like they lost him all over again.
So the couple made a plea on TV for the items safe return.
“I just want my son’s pictures and photo albums from when he was a baby,” Rita told the news.
Luckily, the robber happened to be arrested for trying to cash the Skomra’s stolen bonds a week later and confessed to dumping their belongings in a muddy ravine. Then local police went above and beyond their call of duty and retrieved everything.
And the next day, Rita and Stew had their boy’s memories back safe and sound.
“It’s priceless,” said Rita Skomra. “I mean this is what I wanted.”
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