Ever since Leonard Nimoy passed away on Feb. 27, I have watched dozens of episodes of the original Star Trek, I've been scouring the internet for "best of" videos, I've been rewatching the video for "The Ballad of Bilbo Baggins," and I even found that amazing episode of Columbo he starred in.
Though all the videos were bittersweet given the knowledge of Nimoy's passing, perhaps the most heartbreaking thing I've seen so far was a simple, comedic Audi car commercial.
The commercial itself is hilarious: two generations of Spock are playing "3-D Chess" over the internet. Nimoy wins the match, so Quinto cooks up a new contest: a race to get to the golf club in which the loser has to buy lunch.
The advertisement goes on to show more funny moments, including one where Nimoy struggles to fit his golf clubs into his Mercedes, cussing as he realizes he can't fit anything in the trunk. Meanwhile, Quinto is speeding down the highway, his Audi filled with multiple high-tech, Star Trek-like gadgets, from a fancy GPS location device, to hands-free phone capabilities.
It cuts back to Nimoy singing a hilarious version of "The Ballad of Bilbo Baggins" to himself as he continues driving.
I might have to go buy an Audi just because of how awesome this commercial was. The ad team that put this together definitely did an amazing job. It's just heartbreaking that I didn't find this incredible commercial until after Nimoy's death. Luckily, through humor, Audi really did a great job of bridging the two generations of Spock — Quinto and Nimoy have such a great on-air chemistry, and it's a wonderful video to watch.
You'll definitely want to watch this video through to the end to see who wins the race! Who do you think it'll be?
Please SHARE this awesome video with everyone you know who loves Spock!