With the Star Wars mania in full swing, people have taken every opportunity to show off their knowledge about the film franchise. Everyone is finding some way to sneak in some references, as we saw in this awesome a capella version of the theme song. But our favorite so far? This weather reporter who snuck 12 Star Wars puns into the weather forecast!
Travel back in time to 2010, when the idea of the latest of the series's installment was just budding, but the Star Wars Weekends festival was very popular. Held at Disney's Hollywood Studios theme park, the festival featured a variety of acts performed by the franchise characters.
A portion of the festival is dedicated to a dance-0ff between groups of characters. And that's how we find gems like this clip, in which Darth Vader and four Stormtroopers get down to a very popular hit… Michael Jackson's "Beat It!"
These guys definitely have some pretty great moves — and in costume? It can't be easy to try the moonwalk in those! I'm not the biggest fan of the franchise, but this routine definitely puts me in the mood to both get up and dance and maybe dedicate more time to watching those movies.
If you enjoyed this silly dance featuring some of popular culture's favorite characters, please SHARE!