Summer is such a lovely time of the year. The sunshine, blue skies, long days, and hot weather are all welcome after a long winter.
However, there are some things about summer that aren't as fun as you've imagined all winter. The chafing, bug bites, and water-damaged electronics are just a few of the inconveniences of summer.
Luckily, there are some useful hacks that can help make your summer as enjoyable as possible! Below you will find 10 of the most useful summer hacks.
What is your favorite thing to do in the summer? Going to the beach, swimming at the pool, or just walking around and enjoying the sunshine are all activities that can be improved by a few simple hacks?
I mean, just imagine a day at the beach where you don't get covered in sand. There is a way to accomplish this, folks! And you probably already have the solution in your bathroom at home.
Please SHARE these summertime hacks with your family and friends on Facebook!
Thumbnail Photo: Wikimedia Commons / Hillebrand Steve, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
1. Prevent Chafing

A great way to reduce the amount of chafing in the summer is already in your home: deodorant. Your stick of deodorant does a great job keeping chafing at bay. Just apply some to your inner thighs and go about your merry way!
2. Make A Natural Mosquito Repellent

According to Step in 2, if you slice up a couple of limes and stick cloves into them, the mosquitos will stay away. You won't have to cover yourself in any kind of chemicals when you want to sit on your back porch to watch the sunset.
3. Get Some Good Sunburn Relief

Home Remedies for Life says that freezing a mixture of equal parts water and fresh aloe vera gel in an ice cube tray makes for some chilly relief for sunburn. Just pop them out of the tray as needed, and slide them over the sunburnt areas. You'll get a bit of pain relief. The best option, of course, is to be vigilant with your SPF applications in the first place!
4. Stop Sticky Popsicle Drips

To keep the mess to a minimum when it comes to everyone's favorite summertime treat, attach a cupcake liner or a plastic lid to the bottom of your popsicles. This will catch all of the drip, leaving your kid's fingers (or your own fingers, because popsicles are for adults, too!) nice and clean.
5. Keep Your Cold Brew Strong

Drinking a nice and chilly iced coffee on summer mornings is what it's all about, but when you add ice, the brew gets watered down. A simple solution is to freeze come coffee in an ice cube tray and use those to ice the coffee instead of regular ice. Then, when the cubes melt, there's no harm done!
6. Keep Your Steering Wheel Cool

One of the worst parts of summer is how unbearably hot it gets inside cars. It's like an oven in there! One small thing that you can do to make getting into the car more bearable is to turn the wheel as far as it will go before you turn the car off. That way, when you need to drive again, the top of the steering wheel that you touch most has been resting in the shade.
7. Get All The Sand Off Of Your Body

The beach is a glorious place, but all that sand can be a real nuisance. If you want to remove all of that sand from your body in a rush, make sure you pack baby powder and apply it when it's time to get clean. The powder absorbs the moisture in your skin and makes it so much easier for the sand to fall away from your body, says the Day Tripping Mom.
8. Keep Your Phone Dry

Did you know that your touchscreen will work through a plastic sandwich bag? Keep your mobile phone safe from water when you're at the pool or beach by sealing it inside a sandwich bag.
9. Keep Your Stuff Safe At The Beach

If you're worried about your stuff getting stolen at the beach or a public pool, you can get sneaky about where you keep it. Try putting your phone, keys, and wallet in a diaper as a disguise. Just make sure that no one in your group throws it away!
10. Keep Ice Cream Nice And Scoopable

If rock-hard ice cream straight out of the freezer puts a frown on your face, you don't need to wait for your dessert to soften anymore. Store the container of ice cream inside a plastic sandwich bag, and it will no longer get too hard. Instead, it will be nice and creamy and smooth for you to scoop to your heart's content — immediately out of the freezer. The bag makes it impossible for the air around the ice cream to get too cold.
What do you think about these summer hacks? Please SHARE with your family and friends on Facebook!
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