In July 2016, Taryn and Ben were excited to announce they were expecting their first baby. The young couple from Spring, Texas, was even more thrilled to learn it was a boy, due in January 2017.
Taryn and Ben are both hard-workers with crazy schedules. And while Taryn's family lives in the states, Ben's family is from Ireland.
Though it has always been a dream for them both, Ben has never had the opportunity to take Taryn to his homeland and introduce her to his family… especially now that they'll have a son with Irish roots.
Recently, Ben came home from working a shift at his restaurant when he handed Taryn one of his customer's paid receipts.
The total for the table's meal came to $122.87 — but then Taryn looked at what the customer had written in the "tip" line.

Taryn Keith is a young woman from Spring, Texas.

Taryn fell in love with a man named Ben, who's known for bringing home sweet and unexpected surprises.

Taryn and Ben announced their son Killian would be due in January 2017.
Both of their families were ecstatic to hear the news.

While Taryn and her family live in the states, Ben hails from Ireland.
However, Taryn has never met Ben's family.
With a baby on the way, it's something the couple wishes could plan for more than ever.
The name Killian even comes from the Irish origin.

Recently, Taryn was shocked when Ben came home from working a shift at his restaurant with another sweet, unexpected surprise.
He handed her a customer's paid receipt from earlier at work. A complete stranger was seated in Ben's section and he struck up a conversation with the friendly table.
He was stunned when the talbe left a $750 tip on a $122.87 bill, along with a handwritten note:
Hopefully, this can get you back to Ireland for the holidays.

Taryn uploaded the photo to Facebook, where it quickly went viral
"Thought I would share it to show everyone that there is not only hate out there," Taryn captioned her photo.
"Truly blessed."
Thanks to a stranger's act of pure kindness, Ben, Taryn and Killian will be able to make that important trip after all.
With all the hate and negativity in the world, this simple gesture proves there are still good people out there. Please SHARE this with your friends on Facebook!