I don’t know about you, but I am SO sick of hearing stories of the terrible bullying that goes on among children and teens. This is one story that completely restored my faith in younger generations!
A teen wrestler in St. Paul, Minnesota has been trying to win every match of the season for his dad, who is very sick with Cancer and was told by doctors he has two months to live. During the big state finals match, Mitchell McKee’s opponent was well aware of how much the win would mean to McKee and didn’t put up a fight when McKee pinned him down, winning the match. What Malik Stewart did next truly melted my heart and spread tears and cheers throughout the crowd! This was such a noble and mature thing for a teenager to do, right? Hopefully teens these days can learn a thing or two from Stewart’s actions. It’s not all about winning, but with this story the opponents are BOTH champions. Please SHARE this heartwarming story with your friends!