Trigger Finger: Eight Gentle At-Home Remedies

As someone who spends the whole day typing, I’m pretty reliant on my hands staying in good working order.

Unfortunately, typing all day also happens to be a risk factor for a few different conditions that affect the hands and arms. Typing is well-known for increasing your risk of developing carpal tunnel. I spend lots of time practicing these exercises to avoid the symptoms.

Tendinitis is another common condition that people develop from typing and other work that requires repetitive hand movements.

For many people who type, use hand tools, or play music, the inflammation can evolve into something called stenosing tenosynovitis, better known as “trigger finger,” which can put a serious cramp in your lifestyle.

This painful condition causes your fingers to lock into a bent position, and is most likely to affect the thumbs, the middle finger, and the ring finger. Women, smokers, and people who have diabetes are at a higher risk of this uncomfortable condition.

Thankfully, there are a few easy ways that you can strengthen your hands and nip trigger finger symptoms in the bud.

Scroll through the gallery below to see a few of our favorite options!

Remedy #1: Strengthening Exercise

Céline Haeberly for LittleThings

The "finger spring" is a great way to train your body to resist the cramping, locking sensation of trigger finger.

For this simple exercise, wrap a thick rubber band around all five digits.

Now, spread your fingers as wide as you can against the resistance of the rubber band. Repeat 15 times on each hand and take time to add this exercise to your routine once a day.

Remedy #2: Aloe Vera

Céline Haeberly for LittleThings

Aloe Vera is well-known for its soothing properties on sunburns and rashes.

That's because it's rich in anti-inflammatory properties that reduce swelling.

You can apply aloe topically to the affected finger twice a day to alleviate from the outside, and can also eat or drink an aloe product to benefit internally!

Remedy #3: Pineapple

Céline Haeberly for LittleThings

Pineapple is, first and foremost, a delicious snack that we would be happy to enjoy at any time.

If you have trigger finger, you might have double the incentive because this tropical fruit is also rich in an enzyme called bromelain.

Bromelain is involved in helping your system to break down and get rid of unwanted or toxic compounds, and can help to reduce or remove some of the inflammation that can lead to nerve compression in your fingers.


Remedy #4: Acupuncture

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Acupuncture is often touted as an excellent go-to treatment for a number of tricky ailments.

People often see acupuncture specialists for chronic pain conditions, especially conditions involving compressed nerves.

The theory is that acupuncture, which targets pressure points in the body, has an effect on the vagus nerve that reduces pain and enhances blood flow for lower inflammation.

Remedy #5: Stretches

Céline Haeberly for LittleThings

Stretching is often the simplest and most immediate way to relieve the discomfort of trigger finger.

If your finger locks or clicks when you move it, try gently tugging it as straight as possible and pulling slightly. Hold the position for 30 seconds.

It may not have an immediate effect, but repeating this exercise can help to relax your tendons and equip them to pull the finger back into its normal position.

Remedy #6: Rest And Soak Hands

Céline Haeberly for LittleThings

Trigger finger is almost always caused by repetitive motions.

The best thing you can do for your overall health is to give yourself a break from activity whenever possible during the workday and to relax your hands almost entirely during off-hours, a process that you can aid by soaking your hands in warm water.

People who spend time on the computer or using hand tools should use their evenings to allow the tendons to relax and soften with a warm bath, not stress the tissue further with typing, video games, or strenuous activity.

Remedy #7: Splint The Finger


If your trigger finger is stubborn, you may need to try splinting the digit.

Stretching manually is a great way to prevent and reverse mild symptoms, but using a splint can help your retain the stretch for longer.

These splints are easy to purchase online, and your doctor can help you decide how long to wear it for and how to approach the process.

Remedy #8: Primrose Oil

Céline Haeberly for LittleThings

If you're suffering from a minor health problem, there's usually an essential oil that can help you out.

For trigger finger, that's primrose oil, which can be warmed and then massaged into the joints and knuckles of the finger, and into the tendons running up the underside.

Primrose oil has tons of anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce the painful symptoms. It can also be taken internally as a capsule to fight the problem from the inside.

If you or someone you know struggles with trigger finger, make sure to SHARE this important guide!