Mom Gives Birth To Record-Breaking Twins Born 87 Days Apart

Maria Jones-Elliot and her husband Chris always knew they would have twins. The couple, who already had two kids, were right in their prediction. However, no one, not even the doctors, saw what fate had in store for the family.

“I always felt I was going to have twins  even when I found out I was pregnant, Chris said, ‘That’ll be twins, then’ as they run in the family," Maria told The Mirror's Sarah Arnold. When Maria was 23 weeks pregnant, she went into labor nearly four months early. The mother was distraught as doctors told the couple to prepare for the worst.

“The doctors told me there was very little hope of them surviving, as they were so premature. I thank God Chris was by my side. I was sobbing and in shock, but I refused to give up. I kept saying, ‘This is not going to happen  I’m not going to lose them,’” she says.

All hope seemed lost, then a miracle…

Warning: Some hospital images might be graphic to some viewers.

Maria Jones-Elliot became pregnant with twin girls, but her smooth-sailing pregnancy quickly turned into a mother's nightmare at 23 weeks and five days.

"I felt unwell at work with extreme pressure on my abdomen, but I thought that must be normal as I was having twins. But I was worried enough to get an appointment with my GP who told me to go straight to hospital," Maria said. “To my horror when I got there just hours later, my water broke. I was ­immediately admitted.”


Doctors warned Maria and Chris that the twins had a very small chance of survival. Maria gave birth to Amy, four months before her due date. Then suddenly the contractions stopped dead. Amy's sister had no plans on coming out.

"The doctors said they had never seen anything like it. It should have been a joyful time, but it was horrific. I had one baby in intensive care and one inside me, clinging to life… I willed my babies to fight for life. I prayed to God, day and night, asking him for a miracle."

The doctors tried to induce the pregnancy, but Maria decided to let nature take its course…


Then 87 days later, Katie was born. As you can see, both girls are doing just fine.

“When they put Katie in my arms, she smiled at me and the nurse said, ‘She’s fine’. We both cried. Two hours later, we reunited the twins. Amy was still in her incubator and they put Katie’s cot beside it,” Maria says.


The miracle twins born 87 days apart broke the previously held record of Peggy Lynn, who gave birth to twins 84 days apart. 

“I’m so honored to have had these two girls that are so special. For all of us to be here, could I be any luckier?” Amy said.

See more of this incredible story in the video below!

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