Mary Claire Caine is a veteran of the United States Air Force. She served in Kuwait and on the flight line of the F-117 Nighthawk. One day, while grocery shopping, Caine parked in a spot reserved for veterans.
She and her children were making a trip to the grocery store. Her children are always excited when one of the veterans' spots is open. When she finished unloading the groceries into the car, she noticed a note taped to the passenger window.
It said: "Maybe you can't read the sign you parked in front of. This space is reserved for those who fought for America… not you. Thanks, Wounded. Vet."
Caine was heartbroken that anyone would assume she isn't a vet, let alone assume she's the kind of person who would steal a vet's spot. Caine could only conclude that the person who saw her assumed she wasn't a veteran because she's a woman — something we've seen before.
"I think they took one look at me when I got out of my car and saw that I was a woman and assumed I wasn't a veteran and assumed I hadn't served my country," Caine told WSFB. "They have this image of what today's American veteran is and honestly if you've served in the United States military, you know that veterans come in all shapes and sizes. I question whether the person who left the note was fully aware of that."
Caine shared her story because she has a message for her doubter and anyone who doubts any veteran that has served.
"I want them to know they owe me and every other female service member who's fighting now and who's fought in the past an apology for jumping to conclusions," Caine said passionately. "It's true what the soldiers missing in action slogan is: 'All gave some and some gave all.' And, I think that's very important that sacrifice is sacrifice and I earned the title as a veteran and I'm proud of that."
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