Getting a haircut can boost your self confidence and refresh your look. That's what Julia, 31, was looking for when she went to get a haircut in 2017. With her self-esteem at stake, Julia decided to get out of the house for the first time since surgery and get herself a haircut. She suffers from psoriatic arthritis that often results in itchy, dry patches of skin.
The moment she sat down in the hairstylist's chair, Julia was met with a question — served up in a rude, judgmental tone: "Are you contagious?!"
Julia proceeded to tell the hairstylist about her rather common condition of psoriasis and that, no, it cannot be passed from one person to another — but she was refused service anyway.
Shocked and upset, Julia got back in her car and sobbed.
"She made me feel self-conscious," she says. "She made me feel like I had done something wrong… that there was something wrong with me."
The salon responded by saying the staff members have the right to refuse service if they feel their health is at risk — and that Julia should have brought some kind of medical documentation to her appointment.
Julia posted about her experience on a Facebook support group for people with psoriasis, and the members banded together to help spread a powerful message.
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