If you think YOUR family has some crazy holiday traditions, get ready to have your jaw hit the floor, because you haven't seen a thing yet!
Have you heard of children tying string to their toes on Christmas Eve? What about a witch who flies by on her broomstick 11 days after Christmas? These customs might sound completely crazy to us, but in other countries around the world, they're completely normal.
In Japan, they might be laughing at Americans for "Elf on the Shelf" and our crazy gift-giving habits, but we're completely baffled by their obsession with KFC on Christmas Eve.
While watching this awesome video from The Richest, please keep in mind that every culture is different! Even though these traditions are pretty out there, there is NO denying that they are also completely unique and fascinating.
How many of these traditions have you heard of? What else do you think should be on this list?
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