Mom Thinks She’s Going Crazy When Money Keeps Vanishing Til She Finds $90 In Toy Cash Register

Have you ever noticed things going missing and figured that you must be imagining things?

Even when you turn the house inside out, the missing object is nowhere to be found. Therefore, it's all got to be in your head right? Not necessarily — especially if you have kids.

If you've ever had the distinct pleasure of sharing a living space with tiny humans, you know that they like to touch just about everything and turn items that may not be traditional toys into playthings regardless.

This multiplies the number of places where a lost object might be hiding away — by about a thousand.

One mom, Rachel Thornhill, couldn't figure out where her money had ended up. All she knew was that, mysteriously, it kept disappearing from her purse.

Rachel, who runs the blog, Staying Sane As A Mummy of 3, eventually located her missing bounty in what was, in hindsight, one of the likeliest of places.

Facebook / Staying Sane as a Mummy of 3

Rachel made the hilarious discovery and shared it on Facebook.

The post received over 11,000 reactions and 3,255 shares.

Facebook / Staying Sane as a Mummy of 3

It read:

Have been convinced for weeks that I’m going slightly mad (or madder than usual!);money kept vanishing from my purse!

Facebook / Staying Sane as a Mummy of 3

A pound here, 20p there, nothing major but coins I’m sure had been there now weren’t.

Facebook / Staying Sane as a Mummy of 3

But I drew the line when I misplaced actual £20 notes that I’d just got out of the cashpoint for a weekend of festivity!

Facebook / Staying Sane as a Mummy of 3

A thorough search of the house turned up nothing… until I settled down for a spot of role play with Esme!

Flickr / sidewayssarah

Found a grand total of £67.85 in her toy till!!!! Seemed she’s making a fortune from plastic sweet corn and a can of fake alphabet soup!

For reference, that’s just over $90 US.

Facebook / Staying Sane as a Mummy of 3

Even Esme's little brother, Ted, wanted to get in on the action — and he's just a 1-year-old.

Facebook / Staying Sane as a Mummy of 3

However, the mastermind was definitely 4-year-old Esme, who must have learned by watching and learning where money belongs!

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Luckily, all is well that ends well. Rachel has her money back, and the kids are still adorable.

Facebook / Staying Sane as a Mummy of 3

Be sure to SHARE this hilarious story with your loved ones!