What is love, exactly? Do you classify it as a strictly romantic feeling, or is your definition of the term a bit more broad? Can love only relate to the people in your life, or would you also include your career when describing what motivates you to such a degree?
That’s what the Stanford Memory Lab is setting out to discover with a project they call "The Love Competition."
By scanning the brain using fMRI technology while participants think about what (or who!) they love, researchers hope to discover more about this elusive feeling.
"I don't feel like I've ever actually been in love," says 24-year-old Morgan. "I'm told that once you are in love, you know it. And if I'm apprehensive, that means that I probably haven't ever felt it."
Kent, however, seems to know exactly what love is. He's 75 years old and instantly fell for his wife in 1961. "We were so madly in love — there were just bells and whistles immediately when we first met, and I can still feel that feeling."
Love touches us in all different kinds of ways. For Peter and Lori, who both have intellectual disabilities, they're proof that love knows no restrictions. There’s also the timeless love story told in 70 Years Later, a short film by a woman who wanted to capture her grandparents’ incredible bond.
You’ll have to watch the video to find out what conclusions were made! I feel as though this really pushes the boundary of how we define fulfillment in our lives, and where we can look to find it.
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The Love Competition from Aeon Video on Vimeo.