Photo Of Argentinian Politician Breastfeeding At Work Goes Viral

Many mothers worldwide are praising an Argentinian politician after a photo of her breastfeeding during work was posted online.

As a parliamentary session was underway, a news outlet photographed Victoria Donda Perez nursing her 8-month-old daughter, Trilce, while sitting in her chair. After the picture was posted on Twitter, it went viral.

Donda Perez, who often shares photos of her adorable baby on social media, received kudos from inspired women.

"She goes to congress and between sessions feeds her daughter, while others ask for maternity leave. Good for her," one Twitter user wrote.

"Who says you can't work and breastfeed?" wrote another.

Yet, not everyone agreed with the politician's decision to breastfeed during the session.

"That's nonsense. Parliament is not a personal bedroom. The woman should be sanctioned. There's appropriate place to do that," another Twitter user said.

This user's views correspond with many others who frown upon public breastfeeding. In turn, many women are ridiculed, including a mother who was shamed on Facebook for nursing her child at a TGI Fridays. While some women have attempted to fight back against the bashers — like the mother of three who made a powerful video defending the action – the controversy continues.

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Like many mothers, Argentinian politician Victoria Donda Perez proudly shows off her newborn daughter Trilce on social media.


As a working mother, she hasn't slowed down. In fact, she brings the bundle of joy with her to work when she has to.


She received international attention after a photo of her breastfeeding during a parliamentary session was posted online by a news outlet.


The viral image received praise from many mothers everywhere.


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