Are You Afraid Of Needles? Try This Amazing Trick To Stop The Pain Every Time!

Going to the doctor is never fun. That is, unless you're this dog that gets a checkup from the cutest doctor ever. But we all know that doctors are a necessary part of life. When we're sick, we need them to fix us up. When we're not sick, we need them to give us vaccinations that prevent us from becoming sick.

Vaccinations are a great thing to have (imagine living in one of the many countries that don't have access to them), but nobody enjoys getting a needle plunged into their skin. It hurts, right? Well, that is unless you've had this magical doctor who can totally distract you during the process, it's going to hurt.

But what if I told you that there's a trick that you can use to control the pain of getting your yearly needle sticks? According to the below video, which is a clip from National Geographic's new show You Can't Lick Your Elbow, there is just such a trick — and it's super simple.

As you'll see in the video, next time you go in to get your vaccinations, let your doctor know that you're going to cough just as they're about to stick the needle into your arm. Apparently, doing that when you're getting a shot keeps the pain at bay.

I can't believe I've never tried this before! I'm definitely going to give it a shot (pun totally intended) next time I go to the doctor.

Please SHARE this trick with all your needle-fearing friends and family!!