She Abandoned 35 Kittens In The Woods. The Judge’s Sentence? Completely Unexpected…

If ever you find yourself driving through the town of Painesville, OH, you'd better be on your best behavior, or else you might find yourself at the mercy of a very imaginative judge.

Judge Michael Cicconetti has been serving up justice for more than 20 years, but his punishments are far from ordinary.

You see, Judge Cicconetti makes it his mission to make the punishments fit the perpetrators' crimes. It takes a lot to deal with perps every day — as this angry judge's outburst proves — but Judge Cicconetti keeps things fresh with his unique approach: He humiliates his criminals.

"My judicial philosophy is really not that much different from a parental philosophy," said the judge. "I have five children. You can paddle them or spank them, but what do you gain?"

To those who say Cicconetti's punishments are cruel and unusual, he asks, "What is cruel and unusual punishment? Is it a little bit of embarrassment and humiliation?”

As these sentences below prove, a little embarrassment can go a very long way.

Be sure to watch the video below, and please SHARE if you think these criminals got exactly what they deserved!

In 2005, an Ohio woman abandoned 35 kittens in the cold, snowy woods. In addition to a heavy fine, Judge Cicconetti sentenced her to spend a night in the woods without water, food, or entertainment.


When a man hollered "pigs" at local police officers, Judge Cicconetti sentenced the man to stand on a street corner next to a 350-pound pig with a sign that read, "This is not a police officer."

Two teenagers who wrote "666" on a nativity figure of Jesus were sentenced by Judge Cicconetti to lead a donkey through the streets with a sign that read, "Sorry for the jackass offense."

A man caught soliciting sex was ordered by Cicconetti to wear a chicken suit, stand on a street corner, and hold a sign that said, "No chicken ranch in our city."

When an 18-year-old boy stole pornography from an adult book store, Judge Cicconetti ordered him to sit outside the store wearing a blindfold and holding a sign that read "See no evil."


Be sure to watch the video below, and please SHARE if you applaud Judge Cicconetti's ingenuity!