These Fun Growth Goals Will Challenge Your Whole Family To Be Their Best Selves

The family that works at goals together stays together. That's the idea we're working with when looking at improving our family lives this year.

Families are living and breathing and complicated. It isn't always easy to get along, get things done, and be pleasant while doing it. Isolated incidents are one thing, but when it takes a toll on your family every day, you know change is necessary.

Every person in a family should always be working on being their best self, but families also need to work together to be the best they can be as a unit. That's where family goals come in. Once in a while, you should come together as a family and get a feel for how things are going between everyone.

The new year can be a great time to set some new family growth goals so that you're becoming your best as a family while each of you is becoming a little better as an individual. Here are some ideas for family growth goals that your family can use to start.

Be Respectful

Particularly with how last year played out, many families have found themselves getting more lenient about boundaries where respect comes into play. Make a commitment to be more respectful to each other as a family. That means using your manners all of the time, remembering boundaries between siblings, between parents and kids, and between any other family members.

Save a Little

It's great for kids to learn how to save a little bit of money. You may want each family member to save for their own thing, or save for something you'll all enjoy together. The goal isn't about saving a certain amount of money but rather about learning the good habits that help you save.

Eat More Meals Together

Eating together has become more difficult. Even though we're still spending a lot of time at home together, everyone's schedules are way different. Coordinating a time to eat together every day may not be possible, but making a commitment to do it more often will make you appreciate the times you can get together.

Find a Better Way To Fight

Disagreements are bound to happen, and there's no avoiding it. Promising not to fight isn't realistic, but promising that every fight won't turn into World War III is a good place to start. Promise to disagree with respect for others and with dignity so that fights don't devolve into tantrums.

Talk About Work/Life Balance

Work/life balance is something most adults struggle with, but it also affects kids. Older kids who have activities to juggle on top of school and everything else may not be making enough time for themselves to recharge. Get good habits going across the board with everyone agreeing to spend a certain amount of time together as a family and also by themselves away from work and school.

Make the Effort To Be Positive

It's been easy for families to fall into negative, ungrateful patterns during the difficult months past. As we move ahead, think of moving in positivity. Commit to sharing a bright point of your day with the rest of your family each day, or talking about a few once a week!

Plan for a Trip

A trip can mean different things to different families. It's not all island vacations and ski getaways. Sometimes, it's just a day out to a museum, a night out to dinner, or something else that feels special. Make a plan to do a trip that's adaptable based on what's happening with the health crisis or any other obstacles that might present themselves.

Stay Active

Staying active can be hard for some families, but motivating each other can make it easier. You can switch up what you do to stay active, from walks to games to hide-and-seek. Make it fun for every member of the family and watch it turn into a good habit.

Find Ways To Give Back

There are all kinds of ways that a family can give back to their community or the world at large. Talk about ideas with your family and find what interests you. From fundraising to volunteering, there are so many ways to start the legacy of giving back in your family.

Forgive More

It's human to hold grudges, but within families, grudges can be really toxic. Talk to your family about different ways you can get to a place of forgiveness. Talk about times when you've had to forgive each other, and think of ways you can healthily forgive others in the future.

Learn Something New Together

Learning together is one of the greatest ways families can bond. It's also an easily adaptable effort that you can craft based on the amount of time and other abilities your family has. From a new recipe to a new language, there's a lot you can discover together.

Be Considerate of Others

It's easy to think of only yourself in the bustle of your day-to-day, but it's also important that your kids understand we all need someone at some time. Find ways to show compassion and consideration, from checking in with a neighbor to calling a seldom-seen family member.