5 New Holiday Traditions Single Moms Can Start This Year To Combat Loneliness

Being a single mother can be tough anytime of the year. But around the holidays, it can be exceptionally hard. One of the reasons the holidays can feel so hard is that they tend to exacerbate feelings of loneliness.

This is definitely true for me. When the holidays roll around, I tend to go from feeling utterly overwhelmed with trying to create holiday magic for the kids, all on my own, to feeling pangs of loneliness when my kids are with their dad. Truly, it makes the holiday season pretty hard to enjoy.

This year, I really wanted to reclaim some holiday joy, however, even if that meant doing it on my own. That means no longer grieving the past, or worrying that my holidays don't look like other people's, and starting some new traditions of my own.

Here are five fun traditions single moms can embrace to help stave off the holiday blues.

1. Watch All Your Favorite Holiday Films

Yes, watching holiday films with the kids is fun. But chances are, your kids' holiday faves are different from yours. I mean, Home Alone is a classic, but you can only watch Kevin destroy the house so many times before you fall into a Christmas-cookie-induced coma. So remember that you used to love watching holiday films, too! Whether you love the Hallmark movies or classics like White Christmas or you're more of a Die Hard fan, binge them all. Laugh. Cry. Maybe feel a glimmer of holiday magic.

2. Buy Yourself a Beautiful Holiday Outfit

Even if you're just celebrating with a few family members, buying yourself something beautiful to wear will just make you feel a little extra special. Yes, we understand that it is the season of giving. But who says you're not allowed to give to yourself, too — especially when there's a big payoff. Throwing a few dollars at your holiday loneliness never hurt anyone. When you look good, you feel good, and maybe you even feel like celebrating.

3. Make Plans With a Friend

Whether you go ice skating or out for a holiday drink, you should have a fun, no-pressure social outing to look forward to. Make plans with someone you really love and always have a good time with. That might be another single mom or an old friend. It might be a sibling or a coworker. The only rules are to have fun and make it a tradition that sticks year after year.

4. Go on a Nature Adventure

If you're feeling low, get out of the house and into nature. Better yet, check out a new park or local trail you've never been to. Yes, it's chilly, but that's what scarves are for. Spending a bit of time out in the world on a holiday hike, jog, bike, or climb will do your mind and body good. Finding a new spot for an adventure will get you excited about all of the exploring there is to be done, too. But if you find somewhere you really love, you can return to that spot again and again. It's a new tradition you'll look forward to year-round.

5. Make a List of New Year Goals

Before you know it, the holiday season will be gone and a new year will be upon you. Instead of worrying too much about the holiday season, especially if it bums you out, look forward. Make a list of what you hope to manifest in the new year and start planning for it. Whether it's career goals, relationship goals, or just how you want to feel in the new year, write it down and think about ways to you can be proactive in getting there.