15-Year-Old Who Loves Sloths Gets Bit During Pet Store Visit: ‘Blood Dripping Down My Arm’

Lots of people love sloths. I can completely understand why! The way they move, their cute little faces and noses — and most of the time they seem like gentle animals, which makes them even more lovable.

Of course, though, there are some lovable animals who have their bad days and bad moments just like any other person or animal! Inside Edition shared a video about a 15-year-old girl who has been in love with sloths since the fourth grade.

Amarianna Ramon recently got up close and personal with her favorite animal at a Michigan pet store. Unfortunately, the sloth did not feel the same way about Amarianna. When she attempted to take a picture with Sid the two-toed sloth, he bit her! The owner of the pet store said that the teen got too close to the sloth, and the sloth mistook her arm for an apple.

Amarianna said, “We’re trying to take the picture and then it bites me. There was blood dripping down my arm. Sloths can be cute and cuddly, but they do not like to be touched by humans.”

Amarianna then showed Inside Edition the scar from her bite. I will say, from what it looks like, that the sloth was not gentle with her at all! Inside Edition then spoke to an animal expert, Ron Magill, about the incident.

He said, “Unless you’re very closely supervised, we should not be holding these wild animals in that matter. The bottom line is they can give you a very powerful and very dangerous bite.”

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Inside Edition asked Amarianna the most important question about this whole incident: Are sloths still her favorite animal? Amarianna replied, “I still love them, but would I do that experience again? Um … probably not.”

My favorite animal is an elephant. If I got the opportunity to be up close and personal with one, I honestly think I would cry from excitement. Now, if I did get close to an elephant and I got bit … well … my scar would probably be a little bigger! Would you get close to your favorite animal if you got the opportunity??

To view the whole story, click the video!