Knife-Wielding Criminal Attacks Family Business But Brave Young Woman Fights Back

In a harrowing incident that unfolded in California, bravery and resilience took center stage as a young woman, Concepcion Escalante, confronted a knife-wielding assailant, determined to target her family’s car insurance business. The shocking footage captured on a Saturday afternoon tells a tale of courage in the face of danger.

The incident began with what appeared to be a routine interaction between Concepcion, 23, and a man who entered her family’s car insurance business in Pomona. The initial conversation was described as cordial, with the man appearing friendly and smiling. Little did Concepcion know that the seemingly genial encounter would take a terrifying turn.

The man informed Concepcion that he needed to retrieve his license from his car, 30 minutes later, he returned to the insurance office. But this time, he was armed with a knife. The abrupt shift in demeanor from amicable to menacing left Concepcion in a perilous situation, yet her response showcased remarkable bravery and quick thinking.

In the video, you can see the man trying to take the cash off Concepcion's desk, but she wasn’t having it. He then grabbed her by her hair and dragged her to the ground. They go at it for a good amount of time! You can see in the video as well; a woman opens the door and sees the situation play out but decides to not get involved.

During an interview with Inside Edition, Concepcion shows them a spot on her chest from the knife. According to the police, this is not the first time this guy has attempted to rob a business. He has reportedly attempted to rob three gas stations wielding a knife as his weapon of choice. When asked what she has learned from this experience, Concepcion stated, “It would have been better if I just gave it to him.”

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Even if Concepcion feels that way, seeing her stand her ground and fight this man for the wrong that he was doing was extremely powerful to watch. She did not back down, and that man finally met his match.

To see the situation unfold, click the video!