In the quiet corners of a retirement home library in Iowa, a remarkable discovery unfolded as Kathy Magruder stumbled upon a leather-bound Bible that would soon reveal itself as a relic from another time. This 318-year-old King James version of the Christian Bible, printed in Scotland in 1705, has sparked a mystery that captivated the imagination and piqued historical curiosity.
The moment of discovery occurred when Kathy unearthed the centuries-old Bible tucked away in the back of the retirement home’s library. As the dust settled, it became evident that this was no ordinary book; it was a tangible connection to a bygone era, with its worn leather cover and yellowed pages telling a story of centuries past.
Kathy stated, “When I opened it up the pages, they make a noise when you turn them, that’s a little different than a new book. They feel a little different and the book smells a little different than any other book. And that’s when I knew it was probably worth looking into more.”
Intrigued by the enigma that lay before her, Kathy embarked on a journey of discovery. The Bible, a treasure trove of handwritten death and marriage records, offered an opportunity to piece together the history of the family that once owned it. The mystery deepened as Kathy’s investigation revealed the Bible’s origin. It had been printed in Scotland in 1705.
This book was the version of the King James Christian Bible, Kathy believes that this book was printed illegally since the printers did not have the monarchy’s permission to work in that trade. Kathy was left at a dead end in her investigation. She was left with a pressing question: How did this centuries-old tome make its way from the Scotland to the prairies of Iowa?
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As the story unfolds, the Bible stands not only as a relic of religious significance but as a living testament to the intricate tapestry of human history, inviting us to explore the connections that bind us across centuries and oceans.
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