You'd be hard-pressed to find someone who doesn't have a special place in their heart for Disney films. There's something about the telling of these fairy tales that is comforting. The movies are a great escape from reality.
Still, after you've grown up, it's hard to watch some of those beloved films without a critical lens. Something just doesn't feel right about Ariel giving up her voice, or Sleeping Beauty waiting for a kiss she can't consent to. It's an issue that the movie studio has tried to rectify with more recent films, however, like the decidedly more feminist recent classics Moana and Frozen.
One artist decided to bring the older classics a little closer to reality. Andhika Muksin started off by Photoshopping some of our favorite characters into photos with celebrities. His new project brings "reality" to the characters' settings in a fascinating way.
The Jakarta-based artist is a huge Disney fan who likes to combine his love for illustration with all things Disney. The edits present scenes and characters in new and interesting ways. Now Andhika is bringing reality to fictional worlds. He's working on a new series where he strips away the magic and glitz of Disney and presents favorite characters in raw, real situations — and it's so funny.
Disney has brought so much happiness to children for generations. These films are truly special to those who grew up watching them.
Artist Andhika Muksin was one of those who had a childhood filled with Disney.
"It all started with a VHS tape of Alice in Wonderland I received as a birthday gift when I was about 5 or 6. I was obsessed with it," he told Bored Panda. "I would watch it almost every single day after school. Not long after that, the Disney Renaissance era started, the obsession became a bit out of control and cemented my status as a Disney fanboy."
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As Andhika developed an interest in art, it was only a matter of time before the two worlds combined.
"These characters have stuck with me since childhood, so it kinda came naturally for me to make fan arts of them," he explained. "But instead of 'remaking' them in my own aesthetic style, I put a naughty twist on them."
It began with Photoshopping Disney characters into celebrity scenarios. Fans were amused by how well they fit into the scenes.
Andhika also enjoys being spontaneous with his art. He said he doesn't plan projects out as much as run with ideas as he gets them.
"Over time, as I kept posting my Disney stuff, I noticed that more and more people re-shared them on their Instagram, and I got more and more positive DMs and comments as well. So I guess people liked them," Andhika explained.
Now he's started working with a new concept. He's been making the magical surroundings and situations Disney characters find themselves in a little more raw and gritty.
Life isn't always full of polished, poised moments with your best angle on display. Even Disney princesses would find themselves looking less than glam from time to time, in the "real" world!
Andhika's takes don't ruin your favorites. In fact, they enrich them by making them more realistic.
Fans really enjoy the imaginative edits. Andhika also pairs them with some great captions, like this one that says, "Your tagged pictures be like…"
Even the prettiest Disney princess wouldn't feel Insta ready at all times. Andhika has definitely found a humorous way to tap into that.
In a world where our feeds are so full of people trying to pull off perfection, Andhika's art offers something fresh. It shows that you can even find imperfection in a world that's specifically crafted to be (unrealistically) perfect.
While everyone has their own favorite, we're particularly loving the reality Andhika has brought to Ariel. There's no way you spend that much time in the water and look that flawless!
Andhika's art is definitely something to keep an eye on. Every few days, there's a fresh take on what it would be like to be part of Disney's world or have Disney characters be part of ours.
We can't wait to see what he comes up with next!