Wedding planning is stressful, and it tends to bring out a whole other side of people. And some bridezillas take things way too far.
One anonymous bride posted on a mom's forum asking for advice about her maid of honor, who hadn't lost her baby weight in time for the wedding. (The nerve!!!)
In the since-deleted post, the bride explains that her maid of honor had just given birth three weeks before. She hadn't lost her baby weight yet, and she might not be able to fit into her maid of honor dress in time for the wedding, which was three weeks away.
The bride explained that she was considering replacing the maid of honor with someone else.
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"I'm not fat shaming but come on. My wedding is only one day and I'm not having it ruined by her or her baby weight," she wrote, per Fox News.
Commenters gave this bridezilla the honest advice that she was asking for.
"This bride is an idiot," one wrote.

In an ideal world, weddings would be joyous, drama-free occasions where friendships grow stronger instead of falling apart.
But this is not an ideal world, and bridezillas exist.
One anonymous bride-to-be has women furiously shaking their heads with the way that she's treating her maid of honor.
The woman wrote in a mom's forum for advice about what to do, and someone took a screenshot of the post and shared it to Facebook.
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The bridezilla's question focused on her maid of honor, who had just given birth three weeks earlier.
"So my friend who is my maid of honor in my wedding recently gave birth and she hasn’t lost the baby weight," she began, according to Fox News. She added that the friend "still looks pregnant."

The wedding was still three weeks away at the time of the post. But the bride was "not confident" that her friend would be able to lose the weight in time for the wedding.
"She may not even fit her dress," she wrote.
The obvious solution would be to alter the dress to fit the maid of honor's current size. But nope! Not for this bridezilla!
"I refuse to have it altered again. It was already altered multiple times for her and she said she’d fit into it," the bride said.

Oh, wait! What if she just wears another dress?! That would make things easy!
BUT NOPE. Again, not for this bridezilla.
"She said she has a back up dress and I’m saying [expletive] no to that," she said.
"I’m not fat shaming but come on. My wedding is only one day and I’m not having it ruined by her or her baby weight."

This bride wanted to know if it would be "wrong" to replace her friend in the wedding. She said she already has "someone in mind" to take over as maid of honor.

The bride wrote in to ask for advice, so clearly, some tiny part of her was aware that maybe she was wrong. I mean, she should probably be more thankful that her maid of honor is even willing to participate in the wedding after having JUST GIVEN BIRTH, but hey.
Removing a friend from a wedding because of her weight is unkind and selfish, and people replied to this bride to let her know that.
One person wrote about what's wrong with this bride's idea of "friendship":
"What kind of shallow person is this? If your friend is a good enough friend to be your [maid of honor], then YOU ought to be a good enough friend to care more about them than how they look in a picture."
And many people pointed out that she has unrealistic expectations about baby weight.
"Does she not realize what the body goes through in order to hold another human? It takes much longer than 3 weeks," one person wrote.
Others were decidedly more harsh in their comments.
"This bride is an idiot. You don’t just drop postpartum weight within a few weeks of giving birth. Sometimes it takes months," one person said.
"I hope she trips while walking down the [aisle]. What a horrible person this bride is," another wrote.
Hopefully, this bride took the internet's advice to heart and never even hinted to her friend that her baby weight would be a problem.