This Talented Barista Impresses A-List Celebrities With His Breathtaking Latte Art

Morning coffee is a must for some people, if not most people. It can easily become a part of your morning routine — making it at home and taking it on the drive to work, or frequenting a coffee shop so much the workers know you by name.

If you become a coffee shop regular, it is nice to be greeted by the familiar face of your favorite barista. But what if your favorite barista presented you with your face beautifully drawn on your latte?

You wouldn’t think that would be possible, but Brian Leonard has shown the world that art doesn’t just have to be on a canvas. Brian’s latte art has gone so far as to impress celebrities with his creations.

Brian uses a bamboo stir stick and food coloring and applies it to the latte foam to create his masterpieces. His art only takes him two to four minutes to complete.

Brian has dreamed of being paid to produce and show off his latte art, and his dreams finally came true. You can find Brian at film festivals performing his talents for A-list celebrities, presenting them a latte with their face perfectly sketched on the latte foam.

Brian’s art impressed actress Tilda Swinton so much, she ran over to grab her phone to take a picture for herself. Brian has presented his art to Lily Tomlin, Josh Brolin, Olivia Colman, and even Seth Rogen.

The one celebrity who takes the cake, though, is the queen herself, Meryl Streep. She called Brian a genius, and he responded, “It’ll be on my tombstone, probably.” I think my life would be complete if Meryl Streep called me a genius.

If you’re wondering if the taste of the coffee is just as impressive as the latte art, Tilda Swinton did in fact prove it was delicious by slurping up her image. Brian has a signature line he uses every time someone praises his work, and it’s just as amazing as his art: “Thanks a latte.”

If I knew I was going to be presented with my face etched out on my latte every morning, I don’t think I would have as much trouble getting out of bed.

To see Brian’s beautiful latte art, click the video!