The New York Post’s segment “Face Your Hater” never disappoints. The back-and-forth debate between every participant always keeps viewers on their toes. In this segment, Dr. Judi from Santa Monica, California, is a feminist and psychotherapist who debates face-to-face with a man named Dominic.
Dominic, from Yorkshire, UK, is a bodyguard and an anti-feminist. Dominic claims that all his life he has often been labeled a misogynist by various feminists. He says, “I think the idea of toxic masculinity is a ruse, and I don’t think there’s anything really substantial when it comes to the pay gap. I think the statistics is skewed.”
When Judi walks into the room where Dominic is sitting, he gets up to shake her hand as she introduces herself. Judi is not afraid to jump right in, and as she sits down, right away she asks, “So Dominic, why do you think we’re here today?”
You can already tell right away that Judi is ready for a debate and is not going to back down easily when it comes to fighting for what she believes in. Dominic’s response to Judi’s question is calm and collected: “I think we’re here to talk about women’s issues, and I see the modern feminist movement as pushing victimization as opposed to empowerment.”
After Dominic’s statement, the debate quickly starts. Dominic explains how he feels that the #MeToo movement is 100% all women, even though he knows men out there who have been sexually harassed. Judi then quickly swoops in, sharing that she feels as though the #MeToo movement is more of a #WeToo movement, meaning she feels it’s more men and women.
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Even though she feels both parties are part of the #MeToo movement, Judi does state that she feels it is more aimed at women because there is more sexual harassment of women, but Dominic quickly disagrees with that statement, claiming that there’s a dual standard.
When Dominic disagrees with Judi, her “Really?!” reply heats things up quickly. Judi then asks Dominic if he has been harassed sexually, and Dominic comes back with a confident reply of yes, he has, then goes into detail with Judi about the unfortunate event that took place.
To view the whole heated debate, click the video!