Geena Davis is looking back on her life and career in her memoir Dying of Politeness. She recently recalled a particularly terrible experience she had working with Bill Murray.
While speaking on the On With Kara Swisher podcast, Geena shared that Bill was verbally abusive to her on the set of Quick Change.
She explained, "The first day of shooting, we were shooting a huge scene out on an intersection in Manhattan with hundreds of extras and giant crew and all that stuff. And they said, 'We're ready for you to come to set.'"
"And I said, 'Well, costume's asked me to wait here one second," Geena continued. "Can I do that, or should I come with you?' The AD said, 'Go ahead, wait here.'"
Everything seemed fine, but then Bill came bursting into her trailer.
"Seconds later, Bill Murray — in a full clown costume, by the way — slams into the trailer with rage coming out of his eyeballs and starts screaming at me and swearing at me, 'Get the [expletive] out there! What the [expletive] are you doing? Move! Move!'"
The story continues in the video below.