The 2011 film Horrible Bosses, starring Jennifer Aniston and Jason Bateman, is funny because it strikes a universal chord. Almost everyone in their professional career will encounter a boss who is less than pleasant to work for. Bosses can be the worst, especially when they do not treat employees equally.
This appears to be the case for one thrift shop employee named Riley, who goes by the username @bappermoon. She took to TikTok to explain that her manager humiliated her in front of customers for not wearing a bra. She later found out from another employee that bras were not mentioned in the employee handbook at all.
“For the longest time I would show up to work wearing a shirt without a bra,” Riley began. “Not inappropriate in the slightest.” On a busy day at the thrift shop, Riley’s manager, who is old enough to be her grandmother, came over while she was checking out customers. According to Riley, there were many older customers and a “lot of men.”
According to Riley, her manager berated her apparel. “All employees need to have visible bra straps when at work. You should know better,” the manager said. She even said it was written in the employee handbook. Riley was shocked and changed her behavior accordingly.
“I never not showed up to work without a bra again,” Riley explained. “I was mortified,” she wrote in the caption of her video.
Recently a new female employee began working at the shop, and Riley noticed she was not wearing a bra. Riley asked her if she had gotten reprimanded as well, only to find out there is no such policy in the employee handbook.
Fellow TikTok users were angry on Riley’s behalf. One user wrote, “No employer should be talking about any sort of your underwear ever.”
Another agreed and commented on how women cannot win: “So we’re told our whole lives that showing bra straps is promiscuous but all of a sudden theres a rule about showing them??”
To learn more about this ongoing thrift shop dress code policy debate, watch this video.