Elizabeth was the mother of a rambunctious little boy named Christopher. Similar to other 3-year-olds, Christopher loved spending time outdoors playing in his backyard or having picnic lunches outside with his mom.
Similar to other young kids, sometimes Christopher would get so involved in playing that he would forget to put his shoes on, even when heading outdoors. Elizabeth always encouraged her little boy to be careful and make sure he stopped to put his shoes on, but he didn’t always listen to his mother’s words of caution.
On a seemingly average day, Christopher came running to Elizabeth from outdoors with tears streaming down his face. Initially, Elizabeth didn’t think too much of it as she thought it was just a simple wasp sting. Unfortunately, it was something much more serious.
As she tried to comfort her son who was wrapped up in her arms, Elizabeth began to notice that his foot was beginning to swell and turn blue. It was at that moment that she decided that she needed to call emergency services to see what was happening with her son’s foot.
When the EMT workers arrived and started working on Christopher, they soon told Elizabeth that her son had been bitten by a viper. They administered anti-venom medicine for the snake bite as quickly as possible, but his bruising had led to internal bleeding, which was about to spread to the rest of his body.
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The rest of little Christopher’s body had started to turn blue and the doctors discovered that his blood volume was rapidly declining and he was losing weight at an alarming rate.
To find out what happened with Christopher and how his story served as an important warning for others, watch the full video posted by Wonderbot.
While we cannot verify the details of this Wonderbot video, we think the story offers an important lesson for parents.