A gag reflex is a simple bodily function that is not a usual favorite of most people. It is something so common that you don’t usually try to think of a way to get rid of it; it’s just kind of there.
With all the new information circulating the internet, I’m not the least bit surprised that a viral video has surfaced of a mother sharing a simple but reliable way to get rid of the gag reflex.
I will be honest when I say I did try this, and yes, it does work.
The video has a man narrating what to do to achieve this, and the mother is showing us at the same time. As she is showing us these steps, she is giving us the best mom vibes.
Looking as if she just got done being outside with the kiddos, the mom is practicing this method in nothing else but a black cover-up with the straps taken down, and her hair is in a messy bun. I know most of us mothers can relate to her outfit of choice 100%.
The first step the narrator gives us is to stick out the left hand, put your thumb in a fist, and squeeze as hard as you can for five seconds.
Then take your right index finger and place it on your chin for another five seconds.
Following that, you take your right index finger and your right thumb and squeeze between your left thumb and your left index finger. Hopefully, you’re not lost yet — the best part is almost here.
Once you have squeezed the space between your left thumb and left index finger for five seconds, your gag reflex should be gone.
After the mom gets done with all the steps, she sticks her fingers down her throat, showing zero signs of gagging, and gives the camera a surprised but stunned look.
Something so simple, yet so effective! If you do decide to give this tactic a go, and succeed, don't be timid about passing this valuable information on to others.
Click on the video to start practicing!