Police Called To 92-Year-Old’s Home. They Knew Something Was Wrong The Moment They Arrived

Police officers face challenges every single day on the job that they might not be prepared for, but are expected to deal with head-on for the good of the community and its citizens.

Officer Christine Miller had always understood the importance of giving back because when she was a little girl her parents had instilled a sense of community and selflessness in her. This is why when she received a call to head out to a 92-year-old’s apartment from her concerned neighbors, she jumped in her vehicle to check things out.

When she was just a teenager, Christine’s mother ended up falling ill and throughout the years, she routinely took care of her. She didn’t mind because it filled her heart to give to others and in the long run, it helped her with her career in community service.

When Officer Miller and her partner arrived on the doorstep of Samantha Hill, they both braced themselves for what they might find on the other side of the door. The officers knocked and made their presence known and when no one came to the door, they tried it and found it was open.

When they stepped into Samantha Hill’s home, they noticed everything was dark and unkempt. Odd smells were coming from the kitchen area and Officer Miller thought she spotted a mouse scampering out of the room.

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As they made their way through the home trying to find Mrs. Hill, the officers decided to head upstairs. Going toward the master bedroom, Officer Miller suddenly heard what sounded like someone wheezing. When she opened the door, she found 92-year-old Mrs. Hill sitting in a rocking chair, looking very sick.

To find out what happened that day with Officer Miller and the elderly Mrs. Hill, watch the video posted by Wonderbot.

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