Toll Worker Has Gut Feeling & Calls Out Of Work, Garbage Truck Careens Into Booth Same Day

A garbage truck plowed into a toll booth on a New Jersey highway, leaving a scene of devastation that is particularly chilling for toll booth cashier Jessica Daley. Jessica was supposed to be on duty at the time of the accident, but an inexplicable gut feeling kept her away from work that day. The crash, which resulted in injuries to both the truck driver and the toll booth cashier on duty, has left Jessica profoundly grateful and deeply reflective.

In an interview with Inside Edition, Jessica recounted the eerie premonition that prompted her to stay home. "I woke up around 2 a.m. with a really bad gut feeling that something bad was going to happen. It was so strong that I didn't want to ignore it. It would have been an hour after my shift started that that happened."

Jessica’s decision to heed her instincts undoubtedly saved her from serious harm. The accident obliterated the toll booth she would have been working in, a fact that her supervisor conveyed in a shocking phone call. "I dropped to my knees. I started praying and I was just like praying for everyone involved and thanking God that I stayed home," Jessica said.

The crash, which occurred during the early hours, saw a garbage truck veer off course and smash into the toll booth with devastating force. The driver and the cashier on duty both sustained injuries and were transported to the hospital for treatment. The incident has drawn significant attention, with many seeing Jessica’s story as a remarkable instance of intuition or divine intervention.

Jessica's mother shared her belief that a higher power played a role in keeping her daughter safe. "It was a higher power keeping her safe," she said, reflecting the sentiments of many who have heard the story. This harrowing incident underscores the importance of listening to one's instincts. Jessica’s gut feeling, which she could have easily dismissed, ended up being a critical decision that may have saved her life.

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As the injured parties recover and the investigation into the crash continues, Jessica’s account stands out as a remarkable tale of a life potentially saved by a simple, yet profound, gut feeling.

To view this act of fate, click the video.