Busy Truck Driver Is Blocked By Rich Woman’s Expensive Car, So He Decides To Get Revenge

His morning was already off to a rough start and David needed to be getting on his way. He was going to be late for his appointment if he didn’t take off shortly, but just as he turned his vehicle on, he noticed that someone was blocking him into his parking spot.

David didn’t consider himself to be an impatient person, so he waited a minute or two before giving his car horn a little honk to let the individual in the car know that he needed to exit his parking spot.

He thought that his car horn would do the trick, but it ended up having the opposite effect. After he beeped his car’s horn, the person in the car who was blocking him in flipped him off with a rather rude gesture.

At that moment, David rolled down his car window and told the other driver that they were parked illegally and if they didn’t move and let him out, he was going to call someone to have their car towed. It was then when the other driver rolled down her window and he saw that it was a woman driving the other vehicle.

The woman shouted back at David and told him to mind his own business because she wasn’t going anywhere and he needed to back off and let her be. She didn’t stop there as she went on to tell him that people like David were below her and that her father could buy his entire company where he worked without breaking a sweat.

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David was shocked to hear a perfect stranger speak to him in this way. Eventually, after far too long, the woman moved her car. It was at that point that David vowed to get revenge on this woman and her car, should he ever see her again.

What happened when David came across the snobby woman and her car once again? Watch the Wonderbot video to find out!

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