Girl Refuses To Spend Weekend With Mom, Dad Checks Cameras To Discover The Reason Why

Roger eagerly awaited his daughter Amber’s return home after she had spent the weekend at her mother and stepdad’s house. As the door opened and Amber walked inside, Roger immediately perceived a sense of sadness coming from his daughter.

Amber didn’t pause to discuss her weekend with her dad as she usually did. She immediately went upstairs to her bedroom and shut the door. Roger didn’t want to pry and he knew that his daughter was getting older, so he decided to give her some space.

He couldn’t help but wonder if something happened at his ex-wife Jessica’s house. The exes shared custody of their daughter and even though Amber didn’t necessarily like her dad better, she preferred spending most of her time at her dad’s house because it was closer to school and her friends.

Amber would stay with her mom and stepfather most weekends and as the weekend grew closer, Roger would notice a reluctance creep back into his daughter’s behavior. Amber claimed to not have much in common with her stepdad, so she said that she didn’t enjoy spending time with him.

One weekend when Amber was at his ex-wife’s house, Amber called Roger in tears. She asked her dad if he could come and pick her up because she was ready to come home. Roger didn’t want to disrupt their formal custody agreement, but he knew there had to be something wrong for her to call him like that.

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When he got to his ex-wife’s place, he politely asked her what was going on to make Amber so upset. When she casually brushed it off, Roger remembered that Jessica had security cameras installed around her house, so he requested access to the footage.

To find out what Roger found Amber’s stepfather doing in the surveillance footage, check out the Wonderbot video!

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