There are many idiotic social media trends that go viral every day. It seems like each week there is a new trend going viral that everyone must try. Some of these trends can be dangerous, though, resulting in people getting in trouble or, worse, physically hurt.
Inside Edition shared a video about the viral "bucket prank." This prank is when someone sneaks up behind a shopper in a store, puts a bucket over their head, and then runs off. This often leaves the shopper angry and confused, and the angrier and more flustered they get, the more views that video receives.
In some incidents, the pranksters also put a bucket over their own heads, acting like they were pranked, too. I feel like this viral prank is about to end, though, since an incident involving the bucket prank at a Target in Orange County, California, ended with the shopper being sent to the hospital.
Lana Clay-Monaghan, a mother of 8-month-old twin boys, was shopping in the baby section at Target when the pranksters put a bucket over her head. This prank scared her so much that she collapsed, hit her head, and went into shock. Lana said, “I immediately freaked out and started screaming, 'Help! Get it off me!' I was disturbed to see a group of individuals laughing and filming me.”
The police have the video footage from that Target and are attempting to find the four individuals who were involved in this prank. Lana also put out a status on Facebook asking everyone to help her figure out who her attackers were. She described them as “2-4 Hispanic men.”
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I can understand Lana’s frustration and anger about what happened to her. I would be extremely frightened if I was in the middle of a store and something was thrown over my head. There are dangerous things happening in the world involving the kidnapping of women, so I completely understand her reaction.
I strongly believe that this prank does need to be done and over with, because it’s not funny, and it can cause serious injuries!
To view the whole story, click the video!