Some individuals on this earth just radiate kindness. They don’t ever ask for anything in return because it just feels good to them to give back to those around them and to try and brighten their days in some small way. The world needs more people like this.
Good Morning America shared a heartwarming story about a 77-year-old woman named Gayle Noble who has made it her mission to stay friendly and keep trying to bring a smile to those around her, even during her most trying of days.
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Gayle’s daughter, Nisse, spoke to GMA and shared that her mother had recently spent time in the hospital due to several life-threatening health issues and that she had almost died. On the same day that Gayle was released from the hospital, she told her daughter that they needed to stop at Trader Joe’s because she "[needed] to give them their goodies!"
In the footage, you can see Gayle hugging and being greeted by several smiling Trader Joe’s employees who are thrilled to see her out of the hospital and in their Oceanside, California, store again. Nisse explains that whenever her mom goes through the checkout line at her local Trader Joe’s, she always makes a point to buy the employees fruit or cookies or muffins — something they can all share in the break room.
Gayle’s daughter explains that her mother did not just start this — she has been doing this for her entire life. Usually dolled up in a colorful graphic T-shirt and some kind of cozy stuffed animal hat on her head, Gayle has made it her mission to deliver treats to the individuals who work at her local grocery stores, postal delivery services, public transportation, and even construction sites.
Nisse explains that few stores and places have appreciated her mother and her generous spirit the way Trader Joe’s has because they "[appreciate her] for who she is" and that’s apparent in the heartwarming footage.
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In a clip that shows Nisse asking Gayle whether or not she ever worries about people judging her and her behavior, Gayle simply states, "No. That’s their problem, not mine. If you keep judging other people, you don’t look for the good stuff." Talk about words to live by!